Our 4 carefully collected Scandinavian yogurt strains culture right on your countertop, easy as adding milk. Sample rich, custard-like Filmjolk; drinkable Piima; mild, creamy Viili; and honey-scented Matsoni.
Each bag contains:
- 2 packets of each culture: Viili, Filmjölk, Matsoni, and Piimä
Instructions for using these cultures are included and may be found here.
Heirloom Starter Cultures Included in the bag:
- Viili Starter Culture: A Finnish yogurt variety, Viili is very mild and creamy, with a fairly thick consistency. It’s a versatile favorite that’s perfect on its own or in any yogurt recipe.
- Filmjölk Starter Culture: Another Finnish variety, Filmjölk has a tangy flavor reminiscent of cheese and a custard-like texture.
- Matsoni Starter Culture: Matsoni, from The Republic of Georgia, has a thin, custard-like texture with notes of honey. Its flavor is the most “yogurty” and is a popular choice for frozen yogurt.
- Piimä Starter Culture: Piimä, a Scandinavian variety, is very thin and drinkable with a mild flavor. Culture it with cream instead of milk to make a tasty sour cream-like topping.
Shipping and Storage Information:
- Our Heirloom yogurt starter cultures are shipped in barrier-sealed packets as freeze-dried yogurt cultures.
- Refrigeration recommended.
- Use by date on bag.
Heirloom Yogurt Starter Cultures Ingredients
- Organic milk, live active cultures.
- This product contains no GMO ingredients.
Heirloom Yogurt Starter Cultures Allergen Information
- Manufactured in a facility that also produces products containing soy and dairy.
- Non-GMO
- Gluten-free